‘Reconciliation is complex and so we will make mistakes as we navigate and try to walk this road together,’ says Victoria Mayor Lisa Helps in an op ed published in Victoria’s Times Colonist, ‘Reconciliation is a learning process for us all,’ Wed., August 29, 2018

Published August 29, 2018 by goyodelarosa

This is curious language and one is left to wonder what the Victoria Mayor meant in speaking of reconciliation as ‘complex… a learning process for all,’ needing to be navigated.



Yet again…

About a week ago, I checked out a curious book that I found in the Cook Street Village Little Free Library.

‘Navigating Complexity,’ was the title of this paperback written by Arthur Battram, and published by the Industrial Society in 1999.

Subhead: ‘The Essential Guide to Complexity Theory in Business and Management.’

There is a stylized colour illustration of the Globe, surrounded by flying computers, about to roll down into the Edge of Chaos.

This is a treasure trove of Globalist chaotic complex management lingo, which inadvertently shows clearly that the ‘new economy’ is based on a number of false old Malthusian philosophies and suspect new Globalist pseudo sciences, such as:


This Battram paperback book is underlined as a student would have done, different coloured ink for each reading, sometimes only orange, sometimes only yellow, sometimes both.

I’ve never seen anything like it and somehow I think that the circumstances of my having found this book are nothing short of miraculous, as I certainly don’t believe in chaos theory nor luck.

After I read the whole darned thing, I will likely give it to the most reasonable Victoria Mayoral candidate, in the hopes that it might prove somehow to have been Mayor Helps’ own copy and that by analyzing the markings in this weird book, we may better figure out what makes our Globalist Victoria Mayor Lisa Helps tick the way she does…

Working on that conspiratorial premise, I also wonder why the book was left in that particular free library?

I tend to agree with Ray Davies of the Kinks, that it is crazy to not be paranoid these days.

Ray said something like that in the 60s… I am almost 66 now.

By the way, the beautiful little library box is to be found near the Prima Strada pizzeria, across Cook from Oxford Foods.

I drop off some of my embarrassing old Globalist propaganda there from time to time…and pick up the latest copies of The Epoch Times and the New Agora from other boxes nearby.

  • Gregory Paul Michael Hartnell
  • Former Victoria Mayoral candidate

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