Yet another unpublished letter to the Editor of the Victoria Times Colonist newspaper by Gregory Hartnell against euthanasia in Canada

Published December 6, 2015 by goyodelarosa

Gregory Hartnell <>
Nov 4
Gregory Paul Michael Hartnell, Pro-life Historian
1357 Rockland Avenue
Victoria, V8S 1V7
Tel. 250 382 97 67

Victoria Times Colonist
Letters to the Editor

Re: “B.C. struggles with assisted-dying law,” Nov. 4, 2015

I’m one of those ‘weakest members of society from the other side’ to which MLA Marc Dalton refers, and I feel very vulnerable these days.

The phoney process of the so-called ‘bipartisan health committee’ is apparently rigged against frail elderly human life, as the committee did not receive a single pro-life submission.

How can we take that seriously?

Kudos are therefor due to Mr. Dalton for voting against the recommendations of this suspect committee, which would appear to be nothing more than total acquiescence to a Supreme Court-dictated tyrannical ultimatum.

I’m very suspicious of the eugenicist motives of these creepy out-of-control non-accountable partisan appointed judges of the Supreme Court of Canada.

I expect our democratically elected provincial and federal governments to invoke the not-withstanding clause to protect the lives of endangered old folks like myself.

Liberals in Victoria and Ottawa should invoke and protect the Natural Law, and never change the reasonable traditional Canadian law against assisted suicide and euthanasia.

Gregory Hartnell

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