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RON PAUL’S ECONOMIC WISDOM: ‘The truth is that there is no excuse for government spending being as high as it is, nor for taxes being as high as they are.’ Tejas Straight Talk @ Daily Paul + LA ROSA

Published December 3, 2012 by goyodelarosa
Headed Toward the 11th Hour Compromise PDF Print E-mail
As the year draws to an end, America faces yet another Congressionally-manufactured crisis which will likely end in yet another 11th hour compromise, resulting in more government growth touted as “saving” the economy.  While cutting taxes is always a good idea, setting up a ticking time bomb with a sunset provision, as the Bush tax cuts did, is terrible policy.  Congress should have just cut taxes.  But instead, we have a crisis that is sure not to go to waste.The hysteria surrounding the January 1 deadline for the Budget Control Act’s spending cuts and expiration of the Bush tax cuts seems all too familiar.  Even the language is predictably hysterical: if government reduces planned spending increases by even a tiny amount, the economy will go over a “fiscal cliff.”  This is nonsense.

This rhetoric is based on the belief that government spending sustains the economy, when in fact the opposite is true.  Every dollar the government spends is a dollar taken from consumers, businessmen, or investors. Reducing spending can only help the economy by putting money back in the hands of ordinary Americans.  Politicians who claim to support the free market and the lower and middle-class should take this to heart.

The reality is, however, that neither Republicans nor Democrats are serious about cutting spending. Even though U.S. military spending is exponentially larger than any other country and is notorious for its inefficiency and cost overruns, Republicans cannot seem to stomach even one penny of cuts to the Pentagon’s budget.  This is unfortunate because this is the easiest, most obvious place to start getting spending under control.  The military-industrial complex and unconstitutional overseas military interventions should be the first place we look for budget cuts.

Similarly, Democrats are digging in their heels on not cutting any welfare or entitlement spending and instead propose to fix the deficit by raising taxes on the rich, even though the U.S. Government already has a progressive tax code and the rich already pay more than their fair share. Furthermore, these higher taxes would fall on small business owners, investors, and entrepreneurs—in other words, the source of economic growth and new jobs!

The truth is that there is no excuse for government spending being as high as it is, nor for taxes being as high as they are.  Even the God of the Old Testament only asked for 10% as a tithe and offering, and Americans revolted against the King of England for taxes that amounted to less than five percent.  Yet so many people today complain about “loopholes” for the rich that lower their actual tax rate to “only” 13% in some instances.  Even that is a criminal amount to pay for a wasteful, abusive, unconstitutional government.

We are indeed headed to a fiscal cliff and have been long before this latest hysteria cropped up.  But it is not cuts to spending or reduced government “revenue” that will send us over the cliff, it is continued government spending that will.  Until the federal government limits itself to its Constitutionally-mandated role, spending and taxation will remain out of control.

Look for a “bipartisan” compromise in late December, with Republicans giving in to tax increases and settling for phony spending cuts that actually grow government, and Democrats caving on defense cuts in exchange for tax increases.  This is how the government has always grown: both sides will sacrifice their pro-liberty, small government stances in certain areas in order to grow the government where they prefer.

Liberty always loses in the 11th hour.

Who is Ron Paul? PDF Print E-mail
ronspeakingCongressman Ron Paul of Texas enjoys a national reputation as the premier advocate for liberty in politics today. Dr. Paul is the leading spokesman in Washington for limited constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies based on commodity-backed currency. He is known among both his colleagues in Congress and his constituents for his consistent voting record in the House of Representatives: Dr. Paul never votes for legislation unless the proposed measure is expressly authorized by the Constitution. In the words of former Treasury Secretary William Simon, Dr. Paul is the “one exception to the Gang of 535” on Capitol Hill.

Ron Paul was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He graduated from Gettysburg College and the Duke University School of Medicine, before proudly serving as a flight surgeon in the U.S. Air Force during the 1960s. He and his wife Carol moved to Texas in 1968, where he began his medical practice in Brazoria County. As a specialist in obstetrics/gynecology, Dr. Paul has delivered more than 4,000 babies! He and Carol, who reside in Lake Jackson, Texas, are the proud parents of five children and have eighteen grandchildren.

While serving in Congress during the late 1970s and early 1980s, Dr. Paul’s limited-government ideals were not popular in Washington. He served on the House Banking committee, where he was a strong advocate for sound monetary policy and an outspoken critic of the Federal Reserve’s inflationary measures. He also was a key member of the Gold Commission, advocating a return to a gold standard for our currency. He was an unwavering advocate of pro-life and pro-family values. Dr. Paul consistently voted to lower or abolish federal taxes, spending, and regulation, and used his House seat to actively promote the return of government to its proper constitutional levels. In 1984, he voluntarily relinquished his House seat and returned to his medical practice.

Dr. Paul returned to Congress in 1997 to represent the 14th Congressional district of Texas. He serves on the House Financial Services Committee, and the Foreign Affairs Committee. On the Financial Services Committee, Rep. Paul serves as the chairman of the Subcommittee on Domestic and Monetary Policy. He continues to advocate a dramatic reduction in the size of the federal government and a return to constitutional principles.

Dr. Paul is the author of several books, including Challenge to LibertyThe Case for Gold; and A Republic, If You Can Keep It. He has been a distinguished counselor to the Ludwig von Mises Institute, and is widely quoted by scholars and writers in the fields of monetary policy, banking, and political economy. He has received many awards and honors during his career in Congress, from organizations such as the National Taxpayers Union, Citizens Against Government Waste, the Council for a Competitive Economy, and countless others.

Dr. Paul’s consistent voting record prompted one Congressman to comment that “Ron Paul personifies the Founding Fathers’ ideal of the citizen-statesman. He makes it clear that his principles will never be compromised, and they never are.” Another Congresswoman added that “There are few people in public life who, through thick and thin, rain or shine, stick to their principles. Ron Paul is one of those few.”


DR. RON PAUL PAYS TRIBUTE TO DR. THOMAS SZASZ: ‘Dr. Szasz, a trained psychiatrist, was the leading opponent of what he labeled the ”therapeutic state.”’

Published November 16, 2012 by goyodelarosa
Tribute to Thomas Szasz PDF Print E-mail
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2012·  Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to insert into the Congressional Record ”The Man versus the Therapeutic State,” by Jacob Sullivan of Reason magazine. This piece pays tribute to Dr. Thomas Szasz, who passed away on September 8th of this year.

·  Dr. Szasz, a trained psychiatrist, was the leading opponent of what he labeled the ”therapeutic state.” For over fifty years, in 35 books, and hundreds of articles, Dr. Szasz defended human liberty and dignity against modern psychiatry. Modern psychiatry, of course, insists that behaviors which deviate from some arbitrary norm serve as signs or symptoms of organic ”mental illnesses” (although the physiological mechanisms never seem to be clearly identified, much less explained). Since ”sick people” are incapable of controlling themselves, it is the responsibility of government to protect them by constraining their ability to make harmful choices.

·  This is the mentality that Dr. Szasz fought against so valiantly. By applying the philosophy of liberty to psychiatry, Dr. Szasz undermined the ”individual as helpless victim” mentality that helps justify restrictors on personal liberty when it comes to drugs, fatty foods, sodas, pornography, gambling, etc. Dr. Szasz clearly understood, and predicated, the rise of the therapeutic nanny state.

·  No doubt Dr. Szasz could have enjoyed a successful career had he moderated his views or kept quiet instead of presenting a principled challenge to the psychiatric-government complex. But Dr. Szasz was one of those rare individuals who could not be silent when liberty was threatened. For his courage in speaking truth to power, Dr. Szasz was rewarded with ridicule and scorn from the gatekeepers of ”respectable” opinion. However, Dr. Szasz did find a receptive audience among the ranks of the liberty movement, where he quickly earned a place as one of the movement’s most distinguished thinkers. With the recent growth of the liberty movement, I would not be surprised if Dr. Szasz’s influence becomes greater in the next several years. Certainly, all of us who work for individual liberty should be grateful for Dr. Thomas Szasz’s contributions to the cause of freedom.

URANIUM UPSET FOR GLOBALIST TYRANT HARPER: Indians resist Canadian scrutiny of uranium sales as CBC’s Terry Milewski characterized Tuesday’s announcement as “a deal to allow deals”: not actual sale of uranium, but agreement to spell out how it could happen in future…

Published November 6, 2012 by goyodelarosa

Nuclear ‘progress’ marks Harper’s 2nd day of India deals, lies monopoly globalist Canadian broadcaster

Canadian uranium shipments stalled by oversight concerns despite 2010 agreement

CBC News

Posted: Nov 6, 2012 8:26 AM ET

Last Updated: Nov 6, 2012 12:56 PM ET

Read 139comments139

Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his wife, Laureen, pay their respects at Rajghat, Mahatma Gandhi's cremation site, in New Dehli on Tuesday.Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his wife, Laureen, pay their respects at Rajghat, Mahatma Gandhi’s cremation site, in New Dehli on Tuesday. (Sean Kilpatrick/Canadian Press)

The second full day of Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s official visit to India laid out an array of agreements with his counterpart Manmohan Singh, including a nuclear deal to overcome security concerns that held Canada back from shipping its uranium.

India is eager to fuel its growing domestic energy industry. A 2010 agreement on the “peaceful uses of nuclear energy” was supposed to pave the way for this trade.

But India was balking at Canadian demands to supervise where its uranium ended up. After a round of negotiations, a joint committee has been formed to provide the oversight Canada wants and ensure the shipments are purely for civilian use.

“We are very confident about the administrative arrangements that we’ve signed,” Harper told reporters travelling with him. “We’ve worked very closely with the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission to confirm that [India achieves] all of our objectives in terms of non-proliferation.”

“Being able to resolve these issues and move forward is, we believe, a really important economic opportunity for an important Canadian industry … that should pay dividends in terms of jobs and growth for Canadians down the road,” Harper said, noting the similarities in the heavy water reactors used in India and Canada.

The CBC’s Terry Milewski characterized Tuesday’s announcement as “a deal to allow deals”: not the actual sale of uranium, but an agreement to spell out how it could happen in the future.

The two leaders also announced their respective natural resources ministers are exploring the possibility of a memorandum of understanding towards more trade in the oil and gas sector.


Published November 6, 2012 by goyodelarosa

Governments Considering Two-Child Policy For The West

Jurriaan Maessen
November 6, 2012

On October 27 actor Christian Bale presented a human rights award to Chinese pro-life activist Chen Guangcheng for his decade-long fight against China’s one-child policy. Praising Chen as an example of courage for his fight against “a program of forced abortion and sterilization in Shandong”, Bale went on to decry the centralist Chinese government, naming some of the policies that flow from its one-child policy:

“A program of forced abortion means that women are being dragged from their homes against their will,” Bale said. “They are being forced to have abortions, sometimes late-term – imagine that – with some women reportedly dying in the process.”

In a report from MovieGuide Bale, who has portrayed Batman in the serie’s last three consecutive movies, also received praise from President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers Reggie Littlejohn, who admired his courage because of his condemnation of forced abortions in China.

On November 2 Littlejohn told Lifesitenews that the “terror of forced abortion is the purpose of the policy.”

“I believe that (the Chinese Communist Party is) keeping the population down politically through terror, and that this is instrumental in keeping them in power.”

GREGORY PAUL MICHAEL HARTNELL ON DOCTOR RON PAUL: ‘If I was a citizen of the Republic concerned about LIBERTY, I would write in the good anti-war pro-life pro-peace true fiscal conservative Congressman Doctor Ron Paul for President.’

Published November 6, 2012 by goyodelarosa
Who is Ron Paul? PDF Print E-mail
ronspeakingCongressman Ron Paul of Texas enjoys a national reputation as the premier advocate for liberty in politics today. Dr. Paul is the leading spokesman in Washington for limited constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies based on commodity-backed currency. He is known among both his colleagues in Congress and his constituents for his consistent voting record in the House of Representatives: Dr. Paul never votes for legislation unless the proposed measure is expressly authorized by the Constitution. In the words of former Treasury Secretary William Simon, Dr. Paul is the “one exception to the Gang of 535” on Capitol Hill.

Ron Paul was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He graduated from Gettysburg College and the Duke University School of Medicine, before proudly serving as a flight surgeon in the U.S. Air Force during the 1960s. He and his wife Carol moved to Texas in 1968, where he began his medical practice in Brazoria County. As a specialist in obstetrics/gynecology, Dr. Paul has delivered more than 4,000 babies! He and Carol, who reside in Lake Jackson, Texas, are the proud parents of five children and have eighteen grandchildren.

While serving in Congress during the late 1970s and early 1980s, Dr. Paul’s limited-government ideals were not popular in Washington. He served on the House Banking committee, where he was a strong advocate for sound monetary policy and an outspoken critic of the Federal Reserve’s inflationary measures. He also was a key member of the Gold Commission, advocating a return to a gold standard for our currency. He was an unwavering advocate of pro-life and pro-family values. Dr. Paul consistently voted to lower or abolish federal taxes, spending, and regulation, and used his House seat to actively promote the return of government to its proper constitutional levels. In 1984, he voluntarily relinquished his House seat and returned to his medical practice.

Dr. Paul returned to Congress in 1997 to represent the 14th Congressional district of Texas. He serves on the House Financial Services Committee, and the Foreign Affairs Committee. On the Financial Services Committee, Rep. Paul serves as the chairman of the Subcommittee on Domestic and Monetary Policy. He continues to advocate a dramatic reduction in the size of the federal government and a return to constitutional principles.

Dr. Paul is the author of several books, including Challenge to LibertyThe Case for Gold; and A Republic, If You Can Keep It. He has been a distinguished counselor to the Ludwig von Mises Institute, and is widely quoted by scholars and writers in the fields of monetary policy, banking, and political economy. He has received many awards and honors during his career in Congress, from organizations such as the National Taxpayers Union, Citizens Against Government Waste, the Council for a Competitive Economy, and countless others.

Dr. Paul’s consistent voting record prompted one Congressman to comment that “Ron Paul personifies the Founding Fathers’ ideal of the citizen-statesman. He makes it clear that his principles will never be compromised, and they never are.” Another Congresswoman added that “There are few people in public life who, through thick and thin, rain or shine, stick to their principles. Ron Paul is one of those few.”


  • Rights belong to individuals, not groups.
  • Property should be owned by people, not government.
  • All voluntary associations should be permissible — economic and social.
  • The government’s monetary role is to maintain the integrity of the monetary unit, not participate in fraud.
  • Government exists to protect liberty, not to redistribute wealth or to grant special privileges.
  • The lives and actions of people are their own responsibility, not the government’s.

Attention Media Outlets

A high resolution image for Congressman Ron Paul’s official picture is available for download by clicking here (1 MB).

Committee Membership

Representative Paul serves on two Congressional committees. He serves on:


Published October 22, 2012 by goyodelarosa


Ron Paul’s Texas Straight Talk 10/22/12: Internet Freedom is Vital for Human Freedom

Submitted by legalizeliberty on Mon, 10/22/2012 – 08:09


Thanks Chris…

» 8 commentsRead more

PEACEFUL PRO-LIFE DOCTOR RON PAUL PRESCRIBES TRUE REVOLUTION: ‘There truly is a revolution happening in the country, and people’s attitudes are changing,’ quoted by Kristin Murphy + Benjamin Wood, Deseret Utah News

Published October 19, 2012 by goyodelarosa

Ron Paul given rock star treatment at UVU

By , Deseret News

Published: Thursday, Oct. 18 2012 7:59 p.m. MDT

Ron Paul speaks at the UCCU Center in Orem on Thursday, Oct. 18, 2012.

Kristin Murphy, Deseret News


Ron Paul received a robust welcome at Utah Valley University on Thursday, drawing supportive chants, cheers and standing ovations from the audience as he lambasted the Federal Reserve, income taxes, the war on drugs, the war in Afghanistan, Medicare, welfare and foreign policy.

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OREM — Ron Paul received a robust welcome at Utah Valley University on Thursday, drawing supportive chants, cheers and standing ovations from the audience as he lambasted the Federal Reserve, income taxes, the war on drugs, the war in Afghanistan, Medicare, welfare and foreign policy.

The longtime Texas congressman and three-time presidential candidate brought his trademark small government message to the UCCU Events Center to the delight of the near-capacity crowd. But while Paul’s remarks were critical of U.S. government both past and present, his message focused on the ability of individuals to band together and demand change.

“There truly is a revolution happening in the country, and people’s attitudes are changing,” he said.

TORY MP MARK FIELD DEFIES CAMERON’S ETHNIC CLEANSING OF SYRIAN CHRISTIANS: “‘often at hands of self-styled freedom fighters so feted by Western press,’” writes Dan McAdams @ +

Published October 15, 2012 by goyodelarosa

Tory MP: West-Backed Christian Holocaust in Syria

Daniel McAdams

Lew Rockwell Blog
Oct 15, 2012

Here is information you won’t see on your TV screen or mainstream newspaper in the United States: Conservative Party Member of British Parliament Mark Field writes in the Independent today that “rent-a-mob jihadis are tormenting a benighted Christian minority in Bashar al-Assad’s Syria.”

Writes Field:

“…for the two million plus Syrian followers of Christ, whose lineage goes back 2000 years to St Paul’s proselytising in the first century AD, these are especially desperate times. Ethnic cleansing is an ugly phrase, but that’s just what is going on right now for Christians in Syria. The unspeakable truth now is that the sizeable Christian communities in war-torn Syria are at greater threat of ethnic cleansing from their ancestral homes than has been the case for generations — often at the hands of the self-styled freedom fighters so feted by the Western press.”

Field notes that after the US invasion of Iraq, some 300,000 Christians fled that “liberated” country for Syria — one of the few places in the Middle East where Christians could feel safe and go about their lives unmolested. US/Saudi/Qatari/Israeli-supported “freedom fighters” — who as German intelligence finds are as much as 95 percent non-Syrian — are putting an end to that, threatening to completely eradicate a Christian population that goes back to the time of Christ. What do American Christians do? Cheer on the rebels as they kill Christians left and right in Syria because their government tells them they are “freedom fighters.” What a sick joke.

Well-done, Obama, Susan Rice, Samantha Power, Hillary Clinton, etc. This is tolerance, State Department-style.


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BILL + MELINDA ARE RACIST EUGENICISTS: Gates Foundation has donated more than $1,000,000,000 to most virulent pro-abortion groups in world specifically for “family planning” activities

Published October 2, 2012 by goyodelarosa

Opening the Gates wide to population control abuse


October 1, 2012 (The Wanderer) – In July 1912, Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, Marie Stopes and other leaders in the early race-cleansing eugenics movement held their first international conference in London. Among the leading topics of discussion were how to stop poor and “unfit” African women from breeding.

Exactly 100 years later, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the British Government sponsored the Summit on Family Planning in the same city. This is most likely a coincidence, but the irony is stunning. The objective of the Summit on Family Planning was to raise enough money to “provide 120 million women in the world’s poorest countries with access to contraceptives by 2020,” with a heavy emphasis on Africa. Atop the list of the Gates Foundation’s partners were ― you guessed it ― International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and Marie Stopes International, the two largest abortion providers in the world, back to finish the work their founders had started a century before.

According to the Summit’s “Summary of Commitments,” getting this many women on birth control will require an additional $4.3 billion over the next eight years, one-fourth of which will be donated by the Gates Foundation.

The Summit was headlined by Prime Minister David Cameron, President Jakaya Kikwete of Tanzania and Mary Robinson, the former President of Ireland. It was heralded by many as “A rebirth of family planning,” as if the entire international development industry had not spent the last two decades devising ever-more-aggressive but friendlier-sounding ways to stop Africans, Asians and Latinos from having children. Indeed, the so-called “developed” nations have poured one hundred billion dollars into population control in the Southern Hemisphere since 1995.1

Eighteen of the 24 nations represented at the event were African, so it not was difficult to discern the geographical emphasis of this Summit. Also present as “donors” were the dozen or so “developed” world governments that currently provide 95 percent of all population control funding.

And, of course, Big Pharma was more than adequately represented. Participants such as Bayer, Cipla, Helm, Johnson & Johnson, Merck and Pfizer stand to gain billions annually should 120 million more women be hooked on their products.

Although the more honest language of “population control” is no longer in vogue, the same old disinformation and outright propaganda was the order of the day. For example, the White Ribbon Alliance for Safe Motherhood, a “supporting organization” for the Summit, distributed its grandly titled “Atlas of Birth” graphic, in which it claimed, without a trace of ironic awareness, that “Access to family planning massively boosts women’s chances of surviving pregnancy,” and compares the UK’s maternal mortality rate of 12 per 100,000 live births (where contraceptive prevalence is 86%) and the MMR in Chad, which is one hundred times higher at 1,200 per 100,000 (and which has a contraceptive prevalence of only 3%).

White Ribbon Alliance is implying, of course, that all we have to do is flood Chad (and the rest of Africa) with contraception, and the MMR will miraculously plunge. This simplistic and very dangerous assumption will cost many more lives than it saves, because it entirely neglects far more effective maternal lifesaving measures ― such as prenatal care, attended childbirth in a clean environment and surgical care for obstetric complications.

In fact, the dangers posed by the Summit are so extreme that many population control groups (including the Center for Reproductive Rights, which never met an abortion it didn’t like) issued a warning before the Summit. The “Civil Society Declaration” condemns “Policies that accept or tacitly condone forced sterilization [and] the coercive provision of contraceptives. … Any return to coercive family planning programs where quality of care and informed consent are ignored would be both shocking and retrograde.”2

One certainly does not want to be perceived as “retrograde,” but these groups have good reason to be concerned. The co-sponsor of the London Summit on Family Planning was the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DfID). This government agency contributed $261.4 million to India’s most recent forced sterilization program. This type of quota- and bounty-based population program inevitably leads to gross and widespread human rights violations. Many Indian women were rounded up and sterilized without their knowledge or consent. Bribery and threats were routine; women were offered $11 and a sari if they were sterilized, or were entered in a lottery where one woman out of thousands sterilized might have won a car, which she could not have afforded to drive anyway. NGO workers who convinced women to have sterilizations received a cash bounty, so the program was ripe for abuse and corruption, as all such programs are.3

One DfID-funded doctor did 53 sterilizations in just two hours by flashlight and botched all 53 procedures, leaving women to lie in agony on a filthy straw-covered floor. He did not even sterilize his instruments between operations, because he was in such a rush to collect as much bounty money as he could.

A 2010 DFID report said that the purpose of its programs was to reduce greenhouse emissions. Since DfID knew that its money would go towards funding forced sterilizations under filthy conditions, we can properly conclude that the agency considers environmental issues more important than the most fundamental rights of poor Indian women.4

Knowing this, the Gates Foundation motto “All Lives have Equal Value” rings a bit hollow.

Another partner of the London Summit was Marie Stopes International (MSI), which makes Planned Parenthood look like a bunch of underachievers by comparison. MSI peddles pornographic posters and movies for public consumption in Great Britain and has admitted to committing illegal abortions all over the world.5 MSI is especially active in Africa, and women commonly refer to illegal abortions as the “Marie Stopes procedure.” Workers at the MSI center in Tororo, Uganda, testified that it did many illegal abortions and also injected women with Depo-Provera shots, telling them that they were malaria treatments.6 In July of this year, the government of Zambia expelled Marie Stopes International for committing hundreds of illegal abortions over a period of just five months.7

Melinda Gates takes the well-worn road that so many other lapsed Catholics have trod by claiming that “The [Gates] foundation doesn’t take a position on abortion.”8 This is like someone saying that they don’t take a position on racism while contributing millions of dollars to the Ku Klux Klan and the Aryan National Alliance.

The Gates Foundation has donated more than one billion dollars to the most virulent pro-abortion groups in the worlds specifically for “family planning” activities.9 These include the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), which has lavishly praised the Chinese forced-abortion program and has actually helped to implement it; CARE International, which is pushing hard to legalize abortion in several African nations; Pathfinder International, which has been doing illegal “menstrual extraction” abortions in many nations for decades; and, of course, the International Planned Parenthood Federation, which does more to push abortion all over the world than any other organization on Earth.

The most persuasive propaganda in support of the London Summit on Family Planning was provided by Melinda Gates herself, who said, “When I travel and talk to women around the world they tell me that access to contraceptives can often be the difference between life and death. Today is about listening to their voices, about meeting their aspirations, and giving them the power to create a better life for themselves and their families.”10

These encounters were obviously carefully choreographed photo ops with African women who all obediently parroted the “we must have contraception!” line they had been fed by the Gates advance teams. It seems very odd that, of all the women quoted by Melinda Gates, not a single one spoke of the need for prenatal care, delivery in a safe and clean environment and surgical treatment for obstetric problems—measures that would save many more lives in the long run.

While preparing for her carefully-planned gala Summit, Melinda Gates entirely ignored the voices of those women who disagreed with her goal of flooding the world with birth control.

One of these was a Nigerian mother who said in an open letter to Melinda Gates:

With her incredible wealth she wants to replace the legacy of an African woman (which is her child) with the legacy of child-free sex. … Even at a glance, anyone could see that the unlimited and easy availability of contraceptives in Africa would surely increase infidelity and sexual promiscuity as sex is presented by this multi-billion dollar project as a casual pleasure sport that can indeed come with no strings ― or babies ― attached. … I see this $4.6 billion buying us misery. I see it buying us unfaithful husbands. I see it buying us streets devoid of the innocent chatter of children. I see it buying us disease and untimely death. I see it buying us a retirement without the tender loving care of our children. Please, Melinda, listen to the heart-felt cry of an African woman and mercifully channel your funds to pay for what we REALLY need.

Mrs. Gates ― are you listening?
Dr. Brian Clowes is the director of education and research at Human Life International (HLI), the world’s largest international pro-life and pro-family organization. A version of this article appeared in the The Wanderer, volume 145, number 40.


1 United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). Financial Resource Flows for Population Activities [annual reports]. Table A.1, “Primary Funds of Donor Countries for Population Assistance, by Channel of Distribution.” For complete details and calculations, see Excel spreadsheet F-18-05.XLS.

2 “Women’s Human Rights Must be at the Centre of the Family Planning Summit: Civil Society Declaration.”, September 17, 2012.

3 Gethin Chamberlain. “UK Aid Helps to Fund Forced Sterilisation of India’s Poor.” The Observer/The Guardian, April 14, 2012.

4 Ibid.

5 Paul Cornellisson, Marie Stopes International Program Director for South Africa, YouTube video at, September 17, 2012.

6 Face-to-face discussions with Brian Clowes and Father Jonathan Opio at Sacred Heart Parish in Tororo, Uganda, on December 15, 2010. One of the daughters of an HLI counselor went to MSI for malaria treatment but got a Depo-Provera shot instead without her knowing what it was. She lost her cycles for three months, and then started bleeding so heavily she had to seek hospitalization. I heard this very same story from several other women. MSI personnel have boasted about performing illegal abortions all over the world. In fact, abortion in Uganda is called the “MSP” ― the “Marie Stopes procedure.”

7 “Zambia: Gov’t ‘Aborts’ Marie Stopes.”, July 26, 2012.

8 Deborah Solomon. “Questions for Melinda Gates: The Donor.” The New York Times Magazine, October 22, 2010,, September 18, 2012.

9 “Search Awarded Grants” feature on the Gates Foundation Web site at

10 Julio Godoy. “Family Planning Essential for Development.” Inter Press Service News Agency, July 18, 2012.


INFOWARS MAGAZINE OCTOBER 2012: The End of Humanity: Rise of the Robots @

Published October 1, 2012 by goyodelarosa

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