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The Lone Gladio by Sibel D Edmonds, FIRST of 15 LRC best selling books – Nov., 2014 @ LewRockwell.com + LA ROSA

Published November 29, 2014 by goyodelarosa

LRC Best Selling Books – November 2014

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DAVID SHEBIB FOR MAYOR OF VICTORIA 2014: Arrest, charge, try, convict Fortin for corruption… Quit after 40 days…

Published November 15, 2014 by goyodelarosa



“There is nothing safe about ‘safe injection sites’ … ‘they are hell holes of despair…'” said David Shebib on Facebook.

In memory of my dear brother Jerome Henry Hartnell, who died at age 18 from a morphine and alcohol overdose, I express my gratitude to David Shebib.

Although I disagree with almost everything else that he advocates, I hereby endorse David Shebib for Mayor of Victoria only, but certainly not of the whole CRD, as that might actually encourage him to become a bio-regionalist dictator, and we don’t really want that, do we, Geoff Young?

Victoria is crazy enough as it is under Dino Pinocchio Fortino. I don’t see how David Shebib could make it any worse for 40 days or so, after which he plans to quit anyway, in the unlikely event that he should win.

That 40 day period of investigation, centred on demonstrating the tyranny of the Masonic English Protestant Queen and her so-called ‘Crown’ Globalist powers over us, would be just enough time to investigate, try, convict and imprison current NDP Globalist Mayor of Victoria Dean Fortin for crimes of corruption with Mayor Fang Fang and his other creepy buddies in Communist China against the long-suffering, chemtrailed, overtaxed and underemployed citizens, taxpayers, and the almost completely alienated skeptical majority of eligible voters of Victoria.

Those that don’t vote are in the majority, and the decadent status quo Globalist Establishment at Victoria City Hall should stop this pretence that what they are doing to us is Democracy, as clearly, the Silent Majority is always prudent, right and wise, and basically, they know there has got to be a better way than Dino’s.

Gregory Paul Michael Hartnell

District of Oak Bay: Shebib, David — Mayor candidate



Published November 13, 2014 by goyodelarosa

Secession Update: Catalonia and Veneto


Barcelona_Iglesia_Sagrada_FamiliaOn Sunday, the Catalonia region of Spain held an “informal” or “symbolic” referendum on Catalonian independence.  It was “symbolic” because Madrid politicians have declared it to be illegal, and  ”a sterile and useless sham.” The Guardian concludes that a legal one is now inevitable.

Catalonia is one of the most industrialized (and consequently) most lucrative areas of the country from which to extract tax revenue that can subsidize poorer and less-productive regions of Spain.  Naturally, those who benefit from such coerced largesse are enthusiastically opposed to Catalonian independence. (The centralists claim that Catalonia agitates for more government spending in Catalonia, and is thus living off the Spanish taxpayer, although it appears fairly clear that the region is simply attempting to get the central government to spend more of Catalonia’s money in Catalonia.)

As a political tactic, the Catalonian vote appears to have been at least moderately effective. More than 1.8 million people appear to have voted for independence (80 percent of those who voted) . Such numbers are hardly the last word (there are 5.4 million voters total), but if Madrid continues its current stance, it will become more and more difficult to describe as a position that amounts to anything other than “might makes right.”

According to Reuters, the Madrid government has now decided that maybe it should actually negotiate with the separatists, rather than merely dismiss them as sterile and useless.

Italy is currently using a similar tactic with the recent independence vote in Veneto. PressTV reported last week on the latest moves from the pro-independence movement in the region:

“The Veneto is self-governed as an independent state – it was called La Serenissima, an organization that has a distinguished history, and that had nothing to do with Italy for 1,100 years. Meanwhile our attachment to the Italian state is no more than 148 years. It’s absurd compared with our history,” [Alessio Morosin] added.

Morosin said Venetian officials are concerned that Italy’s paralyzing economic crisis would also affect Veneto, adding that the region’s independence from Rome will improve its economic situation.

We’ve noted some of the details of the Veneto referendum here at Mises.org.

5:45 pm on November 12, 2014Email Ryan McMaken


DAVID SHEBIB CONDEMNS INJECTION SITES: ‘Safe injections sites are not safe for anyone and are hell holes of despair. To enable anything is to promote it…’ @ David Shebib for Mayor + LA ROSA

Published November 12, 2014 by goyodelarosa
    • Sunny Blue Gardeners David, I note that you left a so-called ‘homelessness’ meeting last month before they vetted the candidates to see if they would stand up for so-called ‘safe injection sites.’ They all, without exception, apparently stood up to support this enablling of addicts to stay stuck in their addictions. David, where do you stand on this issue, please? Thanks for standing for free speech and alternatives to the decadent status quo. Gregory Paul Michael Hartnell, editor of Sunny Blue Gardeners and LA ROSA:goyodelarosa.wordpress.com/

      Transcultural Arts Propaganda
      • David Arthur Johnston Greg! Hey. David Johnston here. Good to see you. I’ll let David know you’re asking a question.
      • Sunny Blue Gardeners Thanks, David. I have crossed everyone else off my list. Hope you are both well… God bless… Gregory
      • David Shebib for Mayor Essentially, we will be concentrating on Constitutionally scrutinizing Bylaws and fundamental police reform. We will not be taking a direct stand against the needle exchange beyond using it as an avenue to stop the flow of crack… if you want to message David directly email him at shebibd@yahoo.ca
      • Sunny Blue Gardeners Who is ‘we’? I directed my question to the candidate, and I want a public answer, please. Thanks. Hartnell.
      • David Shebib for Mayor Then direct your question to the candidate- shebibd@yahoo.ca or call him at 250-818-1992.

        I can tell you he has as much sympathy for flailing junkies as he does for the upper middle class,

      • Sunny Blue Gardeners Candidate Shebib hiding? Why hide?
        Like · 5 hrs
      • David Arthur Johnston You presume too much and its a bit vampiric. David doesn’t manage the facebook page. The needle exchange is a non-issue in the face of the fundamental reforms David is going to set in motion. Its like people being concerned with gay marriage while they ignore the fact that their government is no different than the Israeli gaza-bombing monster.
        Like · 4 hrs
      • David Shebib for Mayor Hi David S. here . Habits never sleep . I think the safe injections sites are not safe for anyone and are hell holes of despair . To enable anything is to promote it and the candidates that I see in this election have sold out democracy to self interests. It seems like getting elected is more important then telling the truth .This society has a number of problems loving truth is the best answer.
        Like · 4 hrs
      • Sunny Blue Gardeners Thanks for answering my question, David Shebib. You seem to have David Arthur Johnson helping you, but his comment above seems to contradict what you are saying, so it adds nothing to this discourse. It doesn’t help you at all to have your people contradicting your ideas. I appreciate hearing directly from the candidates in the election (even though I disagree with all of them). I agree with you that the election is a rigged farce. I am relieved that you understand the importance of the issue of enabling addicts, and how deadly it is. Have none of the other candidates not noticed that the Victoria Police Establishment supports so-called ‘harm reduction’? As long as these drugs are illegal, the police will support chipping addicts with RFID, keeping them easier to track. There is no love from these Globalist Death Cultists for addicts, whether they are ‘active’ or ‘clean’. Methadone is highly addictive, as you likely very well know. Love Truth…In memory of my dear late brother Jerome Henry Hartnell, who died of an overdose at age 18… Gregory Paul Michael Hartnell
        Like · 1 hr
      • Sunny Blue Gardeners


BAMBI WEAPONIZED WITH LYME DISEASE IN CAPITAL REGIONAL DISTRICT: UN AGENDA 21 EUGENICIST HUMAN CULL? “Areas with dense deer populations are often lyme disease hotspots,” states Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation, John Phillips, letter TIMES COLONIST + LA ROSA

Published October 31, 2014 by goyodelarosa

If not a deer cull, then what method?


OCTOBER 31, 2014 03:56 PM

 Re: “Facts to consider in the cull debate,” letter, Oct. 28.

The assertion that research has shown that “deer culls do not work” puzzles me. It would seem that culls do work, as there are many examples of animals being hunted to extinction.

So, if not a cull, how would you suggest the deer population in Victoria be reduced, and by what method? The incidence of conflicts between deer and humans continues to increase. Insurance Corp. of B.C. statistics regarding the increasing number of accidents involving deer and vehicles are not inconclusive, as suggested. They are well documented. The Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation states: “Areas with dense deer populations are often lyme disease hotspots.”

The reference to distracted drivers is off topic and has no place in the deer-cull debate.

John Phillips


– See more at: http://www.timescolonist.com/opinion/letters/if-not-a-deer-cull-then-what-method-1.1489284#sthash.qf4iCEyT.DIoZTriu.dpuf

Deep State Reality: Peter Dale Scott talks to Lew Rockwell about secret government, Oct. 17, 2014 @ LewRockwell.com + LA ROSA

Published October 18, 2014 by goyodelarosa

Deep State

Peter Dale Scott talks to Lew Rockwell about the secret government.

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Peter Dale Scott: LRC Archives


Peter Dale Scott: Website

C. V. | Events | Politics | Selected Writings | Complete Bibl ]

(This page, and my Curriculum Vitae, are not copyrighted. They are available for legitimate public use or reproduction, though not for private gain.)

For those primarily interested in my recent political prose, go to My Politics webpage, formerly entitled “Iraq, al-Qaeda, 9/11”. For those primarily interested in my poetry, go toMy Selected Writings webpage. In fact the two genres inter-relate, as exhibited by both my most important prose book, The Road to 9/11,and my most recent books of poetry, Minding the DarknessMosaic Orpheus, and Tilting Point.

Click here to see an introductory video in which I explain my fundamental ideas about deep politics.

Click here for a website which accesses a series of videos in which I read and discuss my long poem Coming to Jakarta, and also my latest book of shorter poems, Tilting Point.

To hear my September 2011 reading of my poetry in Longfellow House, Cambridge, clickhere.

If you wish, you can also visit my Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/peter.d.scott.9


Peter Dale Scott, a former Canadian diplomat and English Professor at the University of California, Berkeley, is a poet, writer, and researcher. He was born in Montreal in 1929, the only son of the poet F.R. Scott and the painter Marian Dale Scott. He is married toRonna Kabatznick; and he has three children,CassieMika, and John Scott, by a previous marriage to Maylie Marshall. Before teaching as an English Professor at the University of California, he served for four years as a Canadian diplomat, at UN Assemblies and in Warsaw, Poland.

His prose books include The War Conspiracy (1972), The Assassinations: Dallas and Beyond (in collaboration, 1976), Crime and Cover-Up: The CIA, the Mafia, and the Dallas-Watergate Connection (1977), The Iran-Contra Connection (in collaboration, 1987),Cocaine Politics: Drugs, Armies, and the CIA in Central America (in collaboration, 1991, 1998), Deep Politics and the Death of JFK (1993, 1996), Deep Politics Two (1994, 1995, 2006), Drugs Oil and War (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, March 2003), The Road to 9/11 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2007), and The War Conspiracy: JFK, 9/11, and the Deep Politics of War (Ipswich, MA: Mary Ferrell Foundation Press,(2008), and American War Machine (2010).

His chief poetry books are the three volumes of his trilogy SeculumComing to Jakarta: A Poem About Terror (1989), Listening to the Candle: A Poem on Impulse (1992), andMinding the Darkness: A Poem for the Year 2000. In addition he has published Crossing Borders: Selected Shorter Poems (1994, published in Canada as Murmur of the Starsi),Mosaic Orpheus (2009), and Tilting Point (2012). In November 2002 he was awarded the Lannan Poetry Award.

An anti-war speaker during the Vietnam and Gulf Wars, he was a co-founder of the Peace and Conflict Studies Program at UC Berkeley, and of the Coalition on Political Assassinations (COPA).

His poetry has dealt with both his experience and his research, the latter of which has centered on U.S. covert operations, their impact on democracy at home and abroad, and their relations to the John F. Kennedy assassination and the global drug traffic. The poet-critic Robert Hass has written (Agni, 31/32, p. 335) that “Coming to Jakarta is the most important political poem to appear in the English language in a very long time.”

If you have any comments or questions, I would be glad to hear from you at pdscottweb@hotmail.com.

I do believe that international public opinion, when it becomes powerful enough, will become the most effective restraint to the excesses and follies of particular governments.


James Laughlin: “Not since Robert Duncan’s Groundwork and before that William Carlos Williams Paterson, has New Directions published a long poem as important as Peter Dale Scott’s.”

Thom Gunn (cf. TLS, February 1, 1991): “[Peter Dale Scott’s work] extends the scope of poetry, reclaiming some of the ground lost since Dryden, lost even since Pound… A true invention, it should be of interest to all who read poetry.”

Robert Hass (Agni, 31/32, p. 335): “Coming to Jakarta is the most important political poem to appear in the English language in a very long time.”


Daniel Ellsberg: “I said of Scott’s last brilliant take on this subject, Drugs, Oil and War, that ‘It makes most academic and journalistic explanations of our past and current interventions read like government propaganda written for children.’ Now Scott has written an even better book.”

Publishers Weekly, October 2010: *American War Machine: Deep Politics, the CIA Global Drug Connection, and the Road to Afghanistan* /Peter Dale Scott, Rowman & Littlefield, $34.95 (408p) ISBN 9780742555945/ In Scott’s view, the American military-industrial complex so feared by Eisenhower has grown into a military-industrial-corporate behemoth. This “overclass,” often functioning independently from the official elected government, has spearheaded countless actions that it perceives to be in the best interest of perpetuating American hegemony. With exhaustive research and extremely persuasive arguments, Scott (The Road to 9/11) seeks to prove that the funding and motivation behind America’s assertion of global supremacy can be traced to drugs. Drug money fueled American actions in Laos and Vietnam during the Cold War, American support of the mujahedeen in Afghanistan in the 80s, and defines American political action in Latin America and present-day Afghanistan. By looking at covert activity and recorded history through the lens of American global dominance, Scott makes a terrifyingly compelling case.

Roger Morris, former NSC staffer: “Peter Dale Scott is one of that tiny and select company of the most brilliantly creative and provocative political-historical writers of the last half century. The Road to 9/11 further secures his distinction as truth-teller and prophet. He shows us here with painful yet hopeful clarity the central issue of our time–America’s coming to terms with its behavior in the modern world. As in his past work, Scott’s gift is not only recognition and wisdom, but also redemption and rescue we simply cannot do without.”–

Prof. Ariane Walter, Le Post, September 11, 2011: “Il n’y a pas de livre d’Histoire plus passionnant, plus riche, plus indispensable, pour comprendre les secrets du 11 septembre, que La route vers le nouveau desordre mondial» de Peter Dale Scott. J’ai decouvert ce livre il y a six mois environ et j’ai aussitot souhaite le faire connaitre mais la difficulte de rendre une telle oeuvre, quasi Proustienne par sa richesse, tant de details, tant d’humanite aussi, m’a bloquee un peu comme un surfeur au moment d’aborder une vague immense. Le resumer c’est un peu le perdre privant le lecteur de son rythme insense de revelations, de ces incursions, comme des plongees, au coeur de l’Etat profond Americain. …

“There is no book of history more exciting, more rich, more vital, to understand the secrets of September 11 than The road to the new world disorder by Peter Dale Scott” [The Road to 9/11 in French].

Gen. Bernard Norlain, Revue Defense Nationale, March 2011 [in French]: “Here is a book that is fascinating, revealing, one could say terrifying…. This work astonishes by its originality and its power of analysis. It should be a reference work for all the defenders of the legal state and for all those who concern themselves with the future of our democracies.” [General Norlain is a retired five-star French general who also served as military adviser to French Prime Ministers Jacques Chirac and Michel Rocard.]

Afrique contemporaine no.236, 2010/4 [in French]: “As long as you have not read this book, your persisting naivete will prevent you from understanding how the world has evolved.”


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Thomas E. Woods Jr.’s first book in nearly four years: REAL DISSENT, or How to Shred the Index Card of Allowable Opinion @ LewRockwell.com + LA ROSA

Published October 16, 2014 by goyodelarosa

How to Shred the Index Card of Allowable Opinion

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I think most people know what I mean when I speak of the gatekeepers of permissible discussion.

On the left, sites like ThinkProgress and Media Matters smear and attack those uppity peons who stray from the ideological plantation that the Washington Post and the New York Times oversee.

On the right it’s neoconservative sites like the Free Beacon, who have built a nice little cabin on that plantation, and who rat out anyone who tries to run away.

Why, we don’t hold any of the dangerous views of those libertarians, good Mr. New York Times reporter, sir!

We are nice and respectable, and we’ll be sure to keep a close eye on those awful subversives who, probably because of some mental defect, are unsatisfied with the Hillary-to-Romney spectrum to which we have been urged to confine ourselves.

The respectables of left and right do not deign to show where we’re wrong, of course.

The very fact that we’ve strayed from the approved spectrum is refutation enough. That’s why I’ve called these people the thought controllers, the commissars, or the enforcers of approved opinion.

Let me modify that: once in a while they do try to show where we’re wrong, but they can almost never manage even to state our position correctly, much less muster an effective argument against it.

These purpose of these alleged replies is not to shed light, but to demonize libertarians in the public mind.

In Real Dissent: A Libertarian Sets Fire to the Index Card of Allowable Opinion – my first book in nearly four years – I take aim at these critics and their arguments.

Part I covers foreign policy and war. The regime has fostered more confusion among the public over these issues than any other. Conservatives, of all people, wind up supporting courses of action that (1) expand the power of the state over civil society; (2) are justified on the basis of propaganda they’d laugh at if it came from the mouths of Saddam Hussein or Nikita Khrushchev; and (3) violate the absolute standards of morality that conservatives never tire of telling us are under assault. The antiwar reputation of left-liberals, meanwhile, is almost entirely undeserved; the mainstream left supported every major U.S. war of the twentieth century.

Conservatives no doubt consider themselves cheeky and anti-establishment for supporting U.S. military interventions, yet virtually all major U.S. newspapers supported the two wars in Iraq and have called for a belligerent posture against Iran. If conservatives think they’re sticking it to the New York Times by supporting the federal government’s wars, they are deceiving themselves. It was the New York Times’ Judith Miller, for instance, who later became notorious for her uncritical acceptance of war propaganda. Hillary Clinton and John Kerry were every bit as belligerent as George W. Bush – Kerry even said in 2004 that he would be less likely than Bush to withdraw troops from Iraq, and proposed sending an additional 40,000.

Against this bipartisan consensus, anyone advocating a consistent policy of nonintervention abroad – the correct libertarian and conservative position, if you ask me – can expect to be marginalized and ignored. Meanwhile, the interventions of the past dozen years have backfired spectacularly, as Ron Paul and other noninterventionists predicted they would.

I put this part of the book front and center because I myself have so much penance to do. As a younger man I was a Rush Limbaugh listener and a garden-variety neoconservative. I cheered on every government intervention abroad, I accepted all the official rationales, and I demonized opponents and skeptics as America haters. I then realized I was just the flipside of a typical left-liberal, who cheered on every government intervention at home, accepted all the official rationales, and demonized opponents and skeptics as haters of the poor.

With both left and right cheering on the state in one capacity or another, the prospects for scaling it back are dim. The whole package, the whole tissue of lies, needs to be confronted.

Part II is a defense of the free-market economy against some of the most common arguments. Here my opponents don’t necessarily fall into the thought-control category. But many of the arguments I’m replying to are of the only-an-ideologue-could-disagree-with-me variety. Why, “monopolies” would dominate if you libertarians had your way! Everyone would earn ten cents an hour! Advertisers would manipulate consumers!

Those arguments and many others are the first to go.

Part III takes on some of the attacks on libertarianism launched by mainstream outlets over the past several years. It seems a week hardly goes by without one. I never get more feedback than when I take on critics like these and send them home crying to their mothers. This part of the book collects a bunch of these replies.

In Part IV I assess the significance of the Ron Paul phenomenon. Ron was everything the establishment fears: a plain-spoken truth-teller, a man without pretense, a fearless slayer of sacred cows. He refused to fit into any of the stultifying categories into which our opinion-molders try to pigeonhole anyone and everything. He was anti-state and antiwar – the very epitome of consistency, though most conservatives (and liberals, for that matter) found this an inexplicable contradiction.

(Ron himself contributed a generous foreword to Real Dissent, I’m happy to note.)

The Federal Reserve is the subject of Part V. Talk about outside allowable opinion: opposition to the Fed was nowhere to be found within mainstream American political life for nearly one hundred years after the central bank’s creation at the end of 1913. Today, enlightened opinion is appalled at having to acknowledge the existence of critics who question the wisdom of the wise custodians of their monetary system. But given the Fed’s track record, the naïve confidence that mainstream left and right expect us to repose in the Federal Reserve would be misplaced.

Part VI corrects the historical record on topics ranging from labor unions to presidential war powers to state nullification. Here you’ll find my much-discussed confrontation with radio host Mark Levin, whose idea of a debate is to call his opponent an idiot and not let his supporters read for themselves what that person has written. By contrast, I was more than happy to link my readers to Levin’s responses, especially since I was certain I had won our debate.

In Part VII, a short section, I gently correct certain libertarians who spend their time assuring respectable opinion that they are altogether different from those extreme libertarians like Woods, and that they’re really quite obedient and observant when it comes to issues Americans have been instructed not to discuss.

There are three more parts, but you get the idea. Of my twelve books, I think this one is the most enjoyable to read, and I’ve filled it with arguments you can use in debates of your own.

The appropriate response to the index card of allowable opinion to which the political and media classes expect us to confine ourselves is to set it on fire. This book is a match.

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Amity Shlaes + Tom Woods discuss life, policies of President Calvin Coolidge @ Tom Woods Show: TomWoods.com + LA ROSA.

Published October 12, 2014 by goyodelarosa
Calvin Coolidge: An Overview – October 07, 2014
Amity Shlaes, author of (among other books) the New York Times bestsellers The Forgotten Man: A New History of the Great Depression and Coolidge, discusses the life and policies of President Calvin Coolidge.

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USA wars on Afghanistan + Iraq have ‘been a failure, but Washington will not admit it,’ says Peace Doc Ron Paul @ Ron Paul Institute for Peace Propserity + LewRockwell.com + LA ROSA

Published October 7, 2014 by goyodelarosa

The Real Status of Forces in Afghanistan and Iraq

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After 13 years of war in Afghanistan – the longest in US history – the US government has achieved no victory. Afghanistan is in chaos and would collapse completely without regular infusions of US money. The war has been a failure, but Washington will not admit it.

More than 2,000 US fighters have been killed in the 13 year Afghan war. More than 20,000 Afghan civilians were also killed. According to a study last year by a Harvard University researcher, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will cost in total between four and six trillion dollars. There is no way of looking at the US invasion of Afghanistan and seeing a success.

So in light of this failure, what does the Obama Administration do? Do they admit the mistake? Do they pull the remaining US troops out of Afghanistan and try to avoid making matters even worse? No! As with all US government programs, if the desired result is nothttp://rcm.amazon.com/e/cm?lt1=_blank&nou=1&bc1=FFFFFF&IS2=1&bg1=FFFFFF&fc1=000000&lc1=0000FF&t=lewrockwell&o=1&p=8&l=as4&m=amazon&f=ifr&ref=ss_til&asins=1455577170achieved they just pump in more resources and continue with the same policies. The past 13 years have been an utter failure, so this past week the US government signed on for ten more years of war!

US troops were legally required to be out of Afghanistan by the end of this year, according to a status of forces agreement between the US and Afghanistan. The US was unsuccessful in negotiating a new status of forces agreement with outgoing president Hamid Karzai. The Afghan leader had grown critical of the US military presence – which has actually increased under President Obama. So, the US needed a new puppet in government.

As international correspondent Eric Margolis pointed out recently, the elections in Afghanistan earlier this year were a farce. The candidates were hand-picked by the US government. Furthermore, wrote Margolis, “[t]he largest, most popular party in Afghanistan, Taliban…[has] been excluded as ‘terrorists’ from the current and past elections.”

But they got their new status of forces agreement. US troops will remain through 2024.http://rcm.amazon.com/e/cm?lt1=_blank&nou=1&bc1=FFFFFF&IS2=1&bg1=FFFFFF&fc1=000000&lc1=0000FF&t=lewrockwell&o=1&p=8&l=as4&m=amazon&f=ifr&ref=ss_til&asins=0990463109

The United States’ war on Iraq has also been a failure. The neocons want to blame the current disintegration of Iraq on President Obama for pulling US troops out. This is historical revisionism at its worst. The real blame goes to those who put the troops in in the first place.

In fact, President Obama didn’t even want to pull US troops out of Iraq. He had tried to re-negotiate a new status of forces agreement with the Maliki government in Iraq, but Maliki hesitated to extend immunity from prosecution to the remaining US troops. The US responded by turning on Maliki, eventually demanding that he step down even though he had been elected.

Maintaining US troops in Iraq would not have prevented the current unrest there for the simple reason that it was the presence of US troops in the first place that caused the unrest. It was the US invasion that led to the emergence of al-Qaeda in Iraq and other extremist Islamist groups. This should not have been a surprise to war planners: Saddam Hussein had been using brutal means to keep these groups at bay for decades. The same is true with Afghanistan.

The Taliban government of 2001 in Afghanistan did not attack the United States. Al-Qaeda did. But the 2003 US attack on Iraq under false pretenses removed a leader who had fought ruthlessly against al-Qaeda and other radical Islamist fighters. The result was that the al-Qaeda we were supposed to be fighting in Afghanistan flourished in post-invasion Iraq, along with other even more brutal groups. Will our government ever learn that invasion and occupation are not the solution, but rather the problem? No new status of forces agreement can change that basic fact.

See the Ron Paul File


Virtue of Peace versus Evil of War: Alex Jones talks to Lew Rockwell: Infowars.com + LewRockwell.com + LA ROSA.

Published October 4, 2014 by goyodelarosa

The Virtue of Peace, the Evil of War

Alex Jones talks to Lew Rockwell.

Lew Rockwell: Archives

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Lew Rockwell: Chairman Mises Institute

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