All posts in the WE ARE CHANGE VICTORIA category

CHEMTRAILS OVER THE ‘GARDEN CITY’…How to wake up Helps, Loveday + Lucas? … Post Vic. 2014 election Sun. morn. musings to Troy Lessard by ‘Goyo de la Rosa’ (G.P.M. Hartnell), Editor of ‘Sunny Blue Gardeners’ @ LA ROSA

Published November 17, 2014 by goyodelarosa


Early morning semi-automatic writing by ‘Goyo de la Rosa’, nom d’artiste of Gregory Paul Michael Hartnell, Editor, LA ROSA + Sunny Blue Gardeners to anti-chemtrails photographer-researcher Troy Lessard

  • Last night, a new ad-hoc coalition of a dedicated militant minority of eligible voters in Victoria elected a new Globalist Mayor of green-orange-red-purple-blue orientation, so it will be interesting to see whether either Lisa Helps, or either one of the two newly elected Victoria City Councillors, Jeremy Loveday or Margaret Lucas takes up the shamefully stalled investigation into this New World Order eugenicist military industrial complex depopulation pogrom of deadly chemtrails geo-engineering, effectively toxic spraying over Victoria and the CRD, as Councillor Isitt has clearly dropped it (or rather, never really picked it up, despite the sporadic efforts of a number of Concerned Citizens, and members of The Losers Club, such as myself and Ron Lund (‘Ron Lion’).
    Each person has their individual and unique talents, according to the Creator’s inscrutable design, and so each Councillor should focus on stewarding those talents and gifts, in service to all the people.
    Ben Isitt got the most votes of any person in this election, I believe, so he is obviously popular to that sub-culture.
    He is an historian, so his strength lies in preservation of architecture, monuments and parks in Victoria.
    Margaret Lucas looks like a no-nonsense business woman, so she should be the Comptroller of the Budget, superior to the City Manager or any other bureaucrat, and she should stop the Keynsian reckless attitude of high taxation, spending, borrowing, and inflationary mega projects like the unneeded sewage treatment (which has UN Agenda 21 written all over it), and Mrs. Lucas should rather order the four annual budgets in the next term according to Austrian economic principles, if the City of Victoria is to avoid the shame of bankruptcy.
    Loveday is an artist, so he can challenge his fellow artists to look up, as the scientific intelligensia of the Sustainable Planning Department, and the rest of the so-called ‘sustainability’ cultists seem to be in complete denial of both the “hiatus” (no warming since 1998) and the very obvious unnatural, ugly, toxic tanker spraying that is happening almost every day around here.
    Most artists I know are dirt poor, so they have nothing at all to lose by studying the sky every day, and making new art of the strangeness before us all.
    Artists are not like the sold-out Establishment ‘warmist’ scientists who peddle this junk science.
    I have great hope that awakened artists will take up the torch of ordered liberty, and question the decadent status quo of the anti-human eugenicist scientific Globalist New World Order.
    Most artists are spiritual, as opposed to the scientists who are 90% atheist.
    Their atheism makes them very dangerous and irresponsible.
    I must say though, that in the last four days or so, I have only seen one contrail, flying in a northwesterly direction, over the Strait of Juan de Fuca, toward the Sooke hills, and that was not a persistent one, but rather a regular one that dissipated quite quickly.
    The very fact that we appear to have had virtually no air traffic at all in the last four days gives the lie to those who maintain that the ugly criss-cross patterns we see being made by these sky defacers are somehow normal contrails of scheduled commercial flights… most of them obviously are not…
    Thanks for all you work against geo-engineering, Troy Lessard.
    God bless you and your famiy…
    +++ Gregory Paul Michael Hartnell
    9 hrs · Unlike · 1
  • Sunny Blue Gardeners


DAVID SHEBIB FOR MAYOR OF VICTORIA 2014: Arrest, charge, try, convict Fortin for corruption… Quit after 40 days…

Published November 15, 2014 by goyodelarosa



“There is nothing safe about ‘safe injection sites’ … ‘they are hell holes of despair…'” said David Shebib on Facebook.

In memory of my dear brother Jerome Henry Hartnell, who died at age 18 from a morphine and alcohol overdose, I express my gratitude to David Shebib.

Although I disagree with almost everything else that he advocates, I hereby endorse David Shebib for Mayor of Victoria only, but certainly not of the whole CRD, as that might actually encourage him to become a bio-regionalist dictator, and we don’t really want that, do we, Geoff Young?

Victoria is crazy enough as it is under Dino Pinocchio Fortino. I don’t see how David Shebib could make it any worse for 40 days or so, after which he plans to quit anyway, in the unlikely event that he should win.

That 40 day period of investigation, centred on demonstrating the tyranny of the Masonic English Protestant Queen and her so-called ‘Crown’ Globalist powers over us, would be just enough time to investigate, try, convict and imprison current NDP Globalist Mayor of Victoria Dean Fortin for crimes of corruption with Mayor Fang Fang and his other creepy buddies in Communist China against the long-suffering, chemtrailed, overtaxed and underemployed citizens, taxpayers, and the almost completely alienated skeptical majority of eligible voters of Victoria.

Those that don’t vote are in the majority, and the decadent status quo Globalist Establishment at Victoria City Hall should stop this pretence that what they are doing to us is Democracy, as clearly, the Silent Majority is always prudent, right and wise, and basically, they know there has got to be a better way than Dino’s.

Gregory Paul Michael Hartnell

District of Oak Bay: Shebib, David — Mayor candidate



Published November 14, 2014 by goyodelarosa



This letter, originally sent to the Vic. News Editor on October 29, has been re-sent recently to their online edition, however, and is now available for viewing there. If I am not mistaken, there were actually two editions of the paper that were published in succession, with no letters to the editor at all, during an election campaign, and I maintain that that is socially irresponsible of ‘green’ Globalist Black Press. Here it is:

Sunny Blue Gardeners ·

To: Editor, Victoria News
From: Gregory Paul Michael Hartnell, artist-historian
1357 Rockland Avenue
Victoria, British Columbia
Canada V8S 1V7
Tel. 250 382 97 67
LA ROSA: goyodelarosa.wordpress.com

Re: Councillor fails on chemtrails (Letters, Oct. 15), Writer’s wants unreasonable (Letters, Oct. 22), Nathan Philips’ photo of Dallas Road at night (Victoria Snapshot!, Oct. 29)

With publication of my Oct. 15 letter, Victoria News made history by introducing the ‘chemtrails’ geo-engineering issue into the Victoria election campaign.

As a Victoria-born artist-historian, I make no professional claims as to the science or ‘governance’ of this issue, although I have done extensive research on the alarming phenomenon in recent years, and have reached my own opinions, which are not relevant to this debate.

That letter was in response to one written by Victoria City Councillor Ben Isitt which criticized an article by the News’ B.C. Views columnist (Tom Fletcher fails to do his homework, Letters, Oct. 1).

That was a self-serving letter where Councillor Isitt bragged about things he is proud of doing in the last term.

Michael Sharpe, in his Oct. 22 letter, attempts to dismiss my well-founded concerns out of hand, by suggesting that simply requesting that Mr. Isitt, my Rockland neighbourhood liaison Councillor, do geo-engineering research on behalf of the City of Victoria and the Capital Regional District, is ‘completely nonsensical and an unreasonable expectation.’

If Councillor Isitt or his apologist Michael Sharpe are still not sure what ‘chemtrails’ look like, they can simply refer to the perfectly creepy dark Dallas Road sunset scene shown in photographer Nathan Philips’ Victoria Snapshot! on top of the front page of the October 29 issue of the Victoria News.

Thanks for allowing this discussion on ‘chemtrails’ geo-engineering during the election campaign, and for printing the stunning photo by Mr. Philips.

As I now realize that Councillor Isitt is too busy to pay attention to the obvious geo-engineering over Victoria and the CRD by looking up in the sky occasionally, I look forward to hearing whether any other Victoria election 2014 candidates are in any way concerned about the public health ‘governance’ aspects of this spraying.

Gregory Paul Michael Hartnell


Reply · Unlike · 1 · Unfollow Post · November 12 at 9:27am

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DON’T VOTE FOR LABOUR-ENDORSED GLOBALIST INCUMBENT Michelle Kirby: ‘Sustainable Oak Bay includes rethinking old standards that did not anticipate climate change…’

Published November 9, 2014 by goyodelarosa

Michelle Kirby Oak Bay Election 2014

Sustainable Oak Bay

Planning with the environment and affordability in mind

  • Oak Bay has begun to secure our fair share of funding for infrastructure projects, and we must continue to seek out grants, and partnerships so that we can plan ahead, and make our increasingly critical long-term infrastructure projects affordable and sustainable.
  • The new Official Community Plan provides the next Oak Bay Council the opportunity to continue it’s work with the community to update the outdated regulations to allow for modernization, and greening of our building bylaws. A sustainable Oak Bay includes rethinking old standards that did not anticipate climate change, wasting of energy, and how we could reduce our consumption, or recycle precious resources.

“I’ve walked or cycled through nearly every street in Oak Bay and I love the history and natural beauty of our community. But with that history comes aging pipes and crumbling roads that need to be fixed and maintained. I will work hard to preserve Oak Bay’s charm, keep it affordable for families and seniors, while ensuring we are leaders in building a sustainable, active, inclusive community.”

Michelle Kirby for Oak Bay Council 2014


‘Halt Covert Aerosol Spraying Programs aka Geoengineering’ says U.S. Health Freedom Congress, St. Paul … Clifford Carnicom, Carnicom Institute … Aircrap.org + LA ROSA

Published October 30, 2014 by goyodelarosa

Breaking News – Resolution Call for a Halt to Covert Aerosol Spraying Programs

The 2014 U.S. Health Freedom Congress Approves Resolution Call for a Halt to Covert Aerosol Spraying Programs

Hosted by National Health Freedom Coalition

Guest Speaker Clifford Carnicom of the Carnicom Institute

See Resolution here:


Text of Resolution:

USHFC-2014-Resolution Re: Call for a Halt to Covert Aerosol Spraying Programs, aka Geoengineering
Resolution 5
Calling for a Halt to Covert Aerosol Spraying Programs, aka Geoengineering
2014 U.S. Health Freedom Congress
Hamline University, St. Paul, Minnesota, September 26 and 27, 2014
Submitted by DAMS INC (Dental Amalgam Mercury Solutions)
WHEREAS covert aerosol spraying programs have been underway in the United States, Canada and elsewhere for at least 15 years, as documented by visible evidence in the skies, high resolution photography, filming of the planes doing the spraying and evidence from the materials that have dropped out of the aerosol sprayed skies and analyzed; and
WHEREAS massive spraying programs have dropped millions of tons of the oxides of aluminum, strontium, and barium, and other such metallic compounds plus various sulfur compounds, plus filamentous life forms that can now be detected in the blood of all Americans; and
WHEREAS weather reporters systematically ignore the obvious impacts of aerosol spraying on the appearance of the skies, the loss of sunlight reaching the ground, and the impact of the spraying on the storm system; and
WHEREAS research by independent scientists suggests that there are valid concerns about adverse effects of the aerosol spraying on respiratory health, neurological impacts, and other health impacts, damage to crops, forests, aquatic life and virtually all aspects of our eco-system; and
WHEREAS our current era is marked by “climate change,” frequent extreme weather events, elevated levels of ultraviolet radiation, extreme drought in California that is believed to be geoengineering related, fish and other sea creatures dying off of the west coast of North America in unprecedented numbers, trees dying in what should be pristine and remote areas;
THEREFORE BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED THAT the following Voting Members of the US Health Freedom Congress do affirm and support the position of DAMS Inc., that the massive covert spraying programs such as described above are violation of fundamental human rights and freedoms including our right to privacy, our right to choose medical interventions free of coercion, and our right to be free from medical experimentation that we have not consented to. The secretive and covert nature of massive aerosol spraying programs (aka “geoengineering” programs) such as are described above indicates that serious violations of the democratic process and of basic freedoms are taking place; such violations stand in conflict with all principles of health freedom. Such programs should be stopped immediately and open discussions should be undertaken looking into the health and environmental harm that has already been inflicted.

Name of Organization
Bolen Report, The
Carnicom Institute
DAMS Inc. (Dental Amalgam Mercury Solutions)
Focus Autism
Health Choice
IAACN International and American Association of Clinical Nutritionists
National Health Freedom Action (NHFA)
National Health Freedom Coalition (NHFC)
North American Society of Homeopaths (NASH)
North Carolina Citizens for Healthcare Freedom Ohio Sunshine Health Freedom Coalition
Organic Consumers Association
Sunshine Health Freedom Foundation (SHFF)
Texas Health Freedom Coalition
Voice for HOPE – Healers Of Planet Earth
Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF)

On September 26th and 27th, twenty five leading health freedom organizations and forty additional organizations and participants representing millions of health and freedom-conscious Americans came together. Meeting at Hamline University in St. Paul, Minnesota, they discussed urgent concerns for health freedom and strengthened collaboration within the health freedom movement.

The event began and closed with the Health Freedom Voting Member organizations convening for one hour each day in a circle Round, beginning the first day with introducing their organizations, and closing by giving their response to the weekend work. But the great success of this year’s Congress is attributed to all leaders participating in what is known as Open Space dialogue sessions throughout the weekend; as well as attending an evening social media hands-on workshop; hearing “Stories of Freedom, Stories of Courage”; and attending the Health Freedom Awards Banquet with Keynote Barbara Loe Fisher, President of the National Vaccine Information Center.

Read more:




2014 Health Freedom

Rating: 10.0/10 (1 vote cast)

Breaking News – Resolution Call for a Halt to Covert Aerosol Spraying Programs,10.0 out of 10 based on 1rating


Gordon Pollard criticizes Victoria Mayoral Candidates Godron + Shebib; Pollard lauds ‘unconventional but very polite charmingly creative’ clown…Shebib counters: ‘I stand for the people not on them,’ in letters to Vic News editor + LA ROSA

Published October 28, 2014 by goyodelarosa

Victoria News
LETTER: Rude comments ‘outrageously boorish’

posted Oct 24, 2014 at 10:00 AM
Re: Circus-like atmosphere engulfs candidates meeting (News, )ct. 22)

It is important to make a clear distinction between the way Victoria mayoral candidate Changes the Clown (Rob Duncan) spoke and the way candidate Riga Godron and David Shebib behaved at the all-candidates meeting on Oct. 16.

Changes made an unconventional but very polite and charmingly creative presentation about child poverty.

By contrast, the shouting and interruptions by Godron and Shebib can only be described as outrageously boorish.

It is one thing to present one’s views in an unorthodox, forceful and passionate manner, but it is quite another to be rude and abusive and show no respect at all for other points of view.

Gordon Pollard, Victoria


David Shebib · Victoria, British Columbia
After a quick search of Gordon Pollard on google I quickly learned that he sits on the board of directors for “Pollard Banknote limited”. This company makes makes millions every year on pull tabs and bingo. In other words he makes his money on other peoples addiction. Maybe I am passionate and unorthodox but I stand for the people not on them.
Reply · Like · Follow Post · October 25 at 2:15pm


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Published October 25, 2014 by goyodelarosa


C-FAX Radio Interview

Modern Democracy
Published on Oct 19, 2014
This video covers my appearance on the Frank Stanford show on C-FAX Radio.

Each Victoria mayoral candidate got a half-hour slot (minus news and ads) to talk about their campaign.





Published October 21, 2014 by goyodelarosa

Inspiration from JFK on Government secrecy

JFK was a statesman and one of my inspirations. Sadly all too often we have way too much secrecy in our government. All too often does council go behind closed doors to discuss OUR money, and OUR community, only to never disclose these discssions.

I have some concerns about government secrecy, and I believe in a much more open and transparent government in Esquimalt. Example our recent council decision to leave Victoria PD and go with RCMP. I was not consulted…..were YOU? This is YOUR community,these should be decisions YOU are involved in. Is there any wonder why more and more people are disengaged from politics?

A vote for Josh is a vote against decisions behind closed doors. A vote for Josh is a vote against government secrecy.

Privacy is important in our PRIVATE lives, yet when we are doing the public work, it should be in the light of day, open and on display for all to see. There is a clear divide from our private lives, and yes even politicians have private lives, but when they are on the public job doing the public business, it has not place behind locked and closed doors.

I hope I can count on just 1 of your 6 votes this Nov.15th for Esquimalt council


BEN ISITT, VICTORIA CITY COUNCILLOR ‘FAILS ON CHEMTRAILS,’ says Gregory Paul Michael Hartnell, Rockland artist-historian, in Letter to Editor, Victoria News + LA ROSA, October 15, 2014

Published October 15, 2014 by goyodelarosa

Gregory Paul Michael Hartnell, artist-historian
1357 Rockland Avenue
Victoria, British Columbia
Tel. 250 382 97 67
New email: gregory.hartnell@yahoo.com

Re: Tom Fletcher fails to do his homework (LETTERS, OCT. 1)

Victoria City Councillor Ben Isitt claims that ‘the people of Victoria have asked me to… advocate to the provincial and federal governments on issues they care about that impact our community.’

Coun. Isitt was our designated ‘neighbourhood liaison’ for Fairfield-Rockland last year when I wrote him a number of emails expressing grave concern about atmospheric geo-engineering (popularly called ‘chemtrails’) over the skies of Victoria and the CRD.

As a Victoria-born classically trained artist and historian, I assured the councillor that the strange shapes and lurid sunset colours of the skies in Victoria and the Capital Regional District are ahistorical and unnatural.

I asked Councillor Ben Isitt, therefor, to pay more attention to this alarming aerial spraying activity, to study the science and governance of it, to request research aid from City Hall’s ‘sustainability strategy planners’ if need be, to then report back to the Council and the CRD on this alarming assault on our health, to determine what, if anything, the Council and CRD can do to stop it.

I waited a whole season and got no real answers from the busy Councillor.

I then publicly addressed the whole Council on the matter in the fall last year for the allotted five minutes, after having found his research capabilities and his disinterest in public health severely deficient.

I am still waiting for answers about the science and governance of ‘chemtrails’ geo-engineering from Councillor Ben Isitt, the City of Victoria and the Capital Regional District, and I am quite sure I am not the only one.

Gregory Paul Michael Hartnell



Virtue of Peace versus Evil of War: Alex Jones talks to Lew Rockwell: Infowars.com + LewRockwell.com + LA ROSA.

Published October 4, 2014 by goyodelarosa

The Virtue of Peace, the Evil of War

Alex Jones talks to Lew Rockwell.

Lew Rockwell: Archives

Lew Rockwell: Blog

Lew Rockwell: Chairman Mises Institute

Follow him on Facebook and Twitter